

  • 기자명 Sally
  • Tech & Bio
  • Published 2006.10.30 20:20

History of a mouse - Logitech Museum (3)

NEW YORK, USA (AVING) -- <Visual News> Logitech Korea displayed PC peripheral devices, including its “mouse history” section, at ''''Logitech Museum'''' in celebration of the company''s 25th anniversary.

(Picture: ''TrackMan Portable'' in 1991)

(Picture: the First 3D(CAD,CAM,CAE) application program-use mouse in 1992)

(Picture: 3D game controller in 1994)

(Picture: ''MouseMan Sensa'' mouse in 1994)

(Picture: cordless presenter''s controller in 1994)

(Picture: Cordless MouseMan Pro in 1995)
