

[BCB 2020] Mackiss Company introduces Ijewoorin made from 100% domestic rice and Lin21 made from 100% domestic barley

Mackiss Company participated in Bar ConventBerlin (BCB2020) in Berlin, Germany held as an online exhibition from Oct. 12to 18, and Ijewoorin and Lin21.

The official from Mackiss Company said,“The core value of our company is to share joy and sorrow with alcohol, connectpeople and nature through Hwangto road, and connect people and culture throughbold classical performances, pursuing joy between people and people.”

He added, “Mackiss Company is the first ofmany companies in Korea to establish a CSV (Creating Shared Value) team,focusing its organizational capabilities on creating shared value and realizingwin-win benefits between companies and regions."

Ijewoorin introduced at this exhibition isa product made from 100% domestic (Korean) rice with distilled undilutedsolution added, boasting a clean and soft taste. The official said, "Byusing the world's only patented oxygen-dissolving method, it has three timesmore oxygen than other soju, so you will be refreshed in the next morningwithout hangover."

Lin 21, which was introduced together contains 100% domestic (Korean) barley distilled juice, so you can feel the deep and rich taste and aroma of barley. With the blending know-how accumulated for decades, the flavor of barley penetrates deeply to create the best taste.

The International Bar and Beverage Tradeshow (BCB2020) is an exhibition of the alcoholic beverages and the beverageindustry with a long history, and people in the bar and pub industryparticipate in various related programs. Due to COVID-19, it will be heldonline this year, and a series of exhibitions in the UK (Imbibe), Brazil, andthe US will also be held at the same time, attracting buyers from all over theworld.

As a part of the export consortium projectreplacement project, KBIZ gave support to participate in BCB2020 in an effortto develop overseas sales channels for small and medium-sized enterprises thatare going through difficult times due to the COVID-19 pandemic and enhanceexport vitality.

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